Neighborhood Watch with a Dark Eyed Junco - Flushing Michigan
A proud dad moment!
I've mentioned my daughter before. She is a special needs teacher in remote Alaska. She also lives with cerebral palsy herself. She found out she was in the top four of the nominees for the Inclusion Practice Awards for the state of Alaska. She didn't know she had been nominated until the winner was announced over the weekend. She was very excited to know she was nominated.
Cedar Waxwing in this mornings snow.
Flushing Michigan
The reason I wear a mask.
This is of my daughter taken shortly after she was born. She was born 3 months premature and weighed just 2 pounds. The words are mine from that day. Her mother lived with juvenile diabetes and the pregnancy was very hard on her physically. Three months after our daughter was born my wife caught the flu. She didn't survive that illness. My daughter is now teaching in a remote area of Alaska even though she has respiratory issues and cerebral palsy. Love your family!
Had my 15th species of bird visit my window feeder today....but now I'm down one regular visitor now!
Juvenile Cooper's Hawk
I grew up listening to family stories. Names of ancestors and brief histories about them. Over the years I have played around with my family tree. This past June my daughter gifted me with a subscription to, to help pass quarantine time. She also gifted me with their DNA test. I started researching more with the access from Ancestry and it was going very well. When my DNA came back in late August the flood gates opened. WOW, its been incredible!
Some trail birds from my election day hike.
Carolina Wren, Rudy Crowned Kinglet and Cedar Waxwing
Nature and Wildlife Photographer