In 1997, Bethel Regional High School in Bethel Alaska had a school shooting. Two people died and two people were wounded. On Wednesday morning a student again brought a gun into the school.

It only made the local news. This is the school where my daughter teaches at. She was there at the time.

@gettinaway that’s terrifying! And it didn’t even make it out of the State as a news item. 😞

@NorCalCherylLyn It is terrifying. My daughter has lived there for 18 years, and this has always been a fear of mine. She lives with cerebral palsy so moving to any cover can be challenging. I watch the local news from up there (it's 4000 miles away from where I am) so I knew soon after it happened. Plus, she is good about letting me know she is safe.

@gettinaway my daughter works at a local HS. I know the worry. The PD did a take down of a suspected gunman 6ft in front of her.

It happens much more often than most people are aware of. 😰

I’m so glad your daughter is ok! Heartbroken for the family if the victims. 😢

@NorCalCherylLyn It's always worse when it's your child in danger. I'm glad your daughter is OK.

A few years ago, my daughter had an emotionally impaired student who started threatening her in the classroom. She was able to get the dean of students and removed him. The next day her other students came in and told her she didn't need to worry about him anymore. After school they met him outside and took care of the problem. Not the solution my daughter wanted though.

@gettinaway I’m glad the Dean did something. The kids might have made it worse or taught him a lesson. I’m with your daughter that it wasn’t preferable but it also could have been the solution. It’s 50/50…

School teachers, support staff and admin should get hazardous duty pay!


@NorCalCherylLyn I agree! The stories my daughter can be chilling at times. I am so glad she has the support she has. One of her former students is now a local police officer and he checks on her often.

@gettinaway that’s awesome! If the kids know people are watching and will stand up it makes everyone safer.

@NorCalCherylLyn It does. She is one of the popular teachers at her school. She has a disability they can see and still she chose to move to this remote place to work. They respect that and like to protect her.

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