One year, I refused to change the time for about two weeks, by which time (!) I was completely confused
This year, my goal is to keep my physical schedule unchanged, by going to bed an hour earlier and getting up an hour earlier. We'll see how it goes!
@redenigma And you manage your schedule, family & friends? Well done!
@gemswinc i don't have friends here. the sheep/goat/cats/dog are not impressed with time changes. it's not a big deal to write the wrong hour on the calendar for an appointment
@redenigma Understood, still impressed!
@gemswinc it does kind of suck that the few people i did know here have died. i'm not outgoing so don't meet people IRL much. my actual friends all live 400ish miles away
@redenigma Well yes, that does suck, may I ask, you live alone? I do
@gemswinc no :) i have a partner & 24 year old son. partner is the outgoing type, so has friends. kiddo's IRLfriends are all 400 miles away too, but he has a lot of online friends around the world the he plays games with.
@redenigma I thought I'd caught that in the past. Thanks for sharing. I assume you all keep to the same time?
@gemswinc i don't know. kiddo & i do. i'm not sure what time zone Tom is in...
@gemswinc i know he hates DST too, though
@gemswinc i don't change to Daylight Savings Time, because that's just stupid. i stick to normal time year-round