@Timmah1979 The femine side of yoursellf?
@Timmah1979 I bet it is. Sounds like an important dream, is this a lucid dream? When I am in a limnal dreaming state, many folks often talk to me, I consider them figments of my own personality. But never the same one. I wish you luck, sorting it out
@gemswinc hopefully soon. Not knowing is sometimes worse than finding out. I know it works both ways but Im the one that has to have a reason for everything
@gemswinc I dunno it's just weird. Because like I said it started 3-4 months ago. Same "person" I have convos with. But every time I've asked questions (I don't even know what dream state I'm in to vividly remember this) she changes to questions for me. I don't even get a name. I feel if I can at least get a name I can at least place it somewhere whether it be someone I met at some point or an image that I may have seen on tv that unconsciously stuck to be honest it's weirding me out lol