@jackdetate I shall do some cutting back; I can be too permissive with plants 🥰 I'm hoping some I transplanted in newly opened areas will be as exuberant
On the other hand, I patrol for invasives 😈 daily
Raspberriy pictures sometime? Happy berry harvest!
@gemswinc I'll surely have some soon. Myra said they are starting to bloom. They kinda like the shade - which surprises me a little, knowing many have survived a cold Winter.
@jackdetate These are shaded..
@jackdetate Thank you, beautiful!
Very pretty. What neck of the woods do you live in? I’m guessing somewhere back East?
@Nerak56 Yes, Eastern Long Island
@gemswinc Our Raspberries are starting to fruit. We have to cut them back dramatically in the fall, or they are unmanageable the following year.