How a Connecticut middle school won the battle against cellphones 🎁


I agree with this policy. I was taking a fascinating senior class at UNC Asheville. Female instructor said she quit teaching regular college classes after 30+ yrs. She couldn’t get the attention/participation of college students as they were buried in their phones. All class long.

She quit.

These same kids get a job which they lose for the same reason.

It’s an addiction. Straight up.

@LnzyHou Yup! I need one of those pouches ;-). Glad to have retired before cell use exploded


Me too. Friends are horrified when I purposely leave my phone at home doing errands.

They can’t leave home without their digital watch & phone.

I love being out of reach. Unlike others, I am not waiting for a kidney or an Oscar nomination.

@LnzyHou I don't use my phone much as a phone. I still have a house phone

@gemswinc @LnzyHou I don’t either, but I use it for traffic navigation, entertainment (both for playing my channels, lists, and podcasts and for waiting rooms), efficiency in ordering amd paying, camera (perfect shots aren't scheduled), schedule, communication by text, freedom from my desk during workday, safety (both calls and wife and I can see where each are), controlling alarm, sprinkler, and security cameras easily, medical records, digital authentication.....

@gemswinc @LnzyHou It is less about being tied to a phone than free from a desk for longer.

Phones are like credit cards in that they are incredble tools if you are in control. (Well, also they are a more secure way to use actual credit cards with biometric authentication come to think of it.)

Mobile phones themselves aren't the problem. Addiction to social media is the problem.

@S_r_stone @gemswinc

By extension, addiction to devices.

I feel wonderful when I survive a daring
& dangerous couple of hours doing errands
while the phone is home charging.

Exhilarating actually.

@LnzyHou I might have to get daring. How did I used to survive? 😁 @S_r_stone

@gemswinc @LnzyHou Survival alone isn't the goal. I grew up without AC in the deep south. Do I ever want to go without AC now? NOPE

I strongly believe everyone needs to learn to do math without a calculator, use a map and compass, drive a stick shift, ride a bike, start a fire without matches, IOW train their brain for the zombie apocalypse.

But I am well past roughing it without reason. (I remember too well being stranded on the road "back in the day.")

@S_r_stone @gemswinc

Going to the grocery store without a phone is hardly roughing it.

To each their own.

@LnzyHou @gemswinc It is if you break down on the way, have an accident and need to record something, pay with the phone NFC as more secure than carrying cards or cash, need to check back with the house on a particular item.

All these are real things that happened. I could also walk to the store instead of drive, carry cash, keep a paper list instead of dictating it to the cloud......

In the pandemic we even ordered and paid for groceries from the phone curbside to minimize exposure.


@S_r_stone @LnzyHou I carry cash at all times, use paper lists, don't pay by phone. Different generation. Though perhaps a phone list is preferable to the paper lists I lose or forget 😁 I refuse to get caught up in ApplePay, Venmo, Paypal etc. etc., unless the only option.

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