I think one of the great failures of Western Society is the apparent taboo about talking or thinking of death. We pretend that the next pill or potion will help us live forever, fueling our consumer society.

I feel that death is a passage as birth is a passage, and that we should acknowledge and plan for it. Life and death are intimately intertwined and one cannot exist without the other.

@gemswinc We have a death doula who lives in our household. They are currently working in hospice in a more or less regular corporate version of the job.

The things families just don't deal with, or even know how to deal with, and the often terrible and lonely ways people die under our current way of doing things are heartbreaking.

Death is both frightening and inevitable. It is one of the more difficult changes we face. We need better, more human ways of making that passage in love and peace.


@AskTheDevil First hand experience, lucky to have that resource

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