“When you peel back the layers of whimsical, gauzy tech-bro speak, their ideas can be boiled down to one principle: massive cuts to federal programs that, when deployed elsewhere, have caused calamity.”
TL;DR—Massive inflation and horrendous unemployment that cannot be fixed by tariffs or any other “magic words.”
The problem? Musk and Ramaswamy do NOT understand the complexities of government. They think of it as a business (it is not) and that you can apply (cont)
But, it will also destroy banks, property values and the value of the dollar. The rich DEPEND on a certain amount of stability.
They want stability (when it comes to their own money and investments) but instability when it comes to others.
The problem is you can’t do both.
I agree, Musk and many others would be the first to argue slavery is good. As long as they were the slaveholders.