Trying out AdBlock for Safari (Apple App Store—free) and so far, so good. Tried a few websites that were more ads than content and it seems to work as advertised. Hopefully this will reduce the ads sucking up bandwidth.
This site, is especially egregious and now that ads are just gone.
Part of the reason for AdBlock is that I’m tired of the “monetizing” of everything,. Websites that are more ads than information are not worth it. Worse, monetizing non-information pisses me off—and there are a LOT of sites that copy non-information. I saw one about “how to make a game” an it was 1. Get an IDE. 2. Create a project. 3. Make a best-selling game. (It was a little longer than that, but that’s the gist).
And they were monetizing that. 🙄
@feloneouscat How to survive the broligarchy: 20 lessons for the post-truth world
@feloneouscat I just started trying out Adblocker Ultimate on Chrome. I was shocked how much faster certain sites are now loading.