"Do people really think that even a significant minority of the Republican conference is against access to contraception?" Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, said. "I don't even want to get into what I don't like about the bill."
And that’s the problem. He won’t even tell us why he found the bill objectionable other than HE DIDN’T like it.
What? Americans having a right to contraception was a bad idea in what way?
“If you ask them, it mainly comes down to religious freedom.”
Lankford: "They've said basically, 'Contraception is gonna be allowed everywhere, regardless of your faith, your background, your institution,'"
Ooookay? What, YOUR religion somehow affects MY use of contraception?
No, he means the STATE couldn’t bully people as Federal law would trump State law. And Republican run states SO WANT to make contraception illegal (see IVF when Republicans didn’t realize it was so popular).
This is our reality.
We must change it.
We CAN change it.
But people need to assure people understand that SCOTUS is not our friend and wants to assure that we are not just returned to the 1950’s, but that our hard won rights are eliminated (and yes, they do have the power to do so).
This is why we need to re-elect Biden.
Our fundamental liberties are on the line.