
Trump is already trying to weasel out of the debate. Biden and Trump already agreed to a date and time, satisfying Trump’s conditions.

Now Trump wants to add a third debate because he doesn’t like the moderators.

Trump is scared. “ANYWHERE” and “ANY TIME” were a bluff. Biden called him and now Trump is afraid. He should be.

Biden is smarter than Trump.

So, Biden gave a date and time, Trump accepted the conditions and now Trump wants to adds a new debate—but Biden never said “ANYWHERE” or “ANY TIME”.

Trump is scared and wants a Trump friendly moderator. He doesn’t want a fair debate.

Trump will pull out of the debate. When he agrees to terms he ALWAYS changes them.

This is his history.


it didn't take long last night for the orange presidential abortion to start back-peddling.

There should be no debate. Biden should refuse to share a stage with the guy who attempted to take over the government by instigating a riot, pressuring officials and a scheme involving fake electors. Don't bother with that allegedly BS. We all watched it happen.


I agree, but I also believe in a government that believes the in Democracy.

If Trump takes office this country is screwed.

If Biden debates Trump (I think Trump will weasel out of it because he’s afraid of Biden) it will be historical as I suspect Trump will fall apart without an audience to cheer and jeer.

Not being able to say a word in court kills him. To debate Biden and lose will break him (or at least the parts not already broken).

We're not democratic, if we don't let the insurrectionist debate? Please.
Trump will fall on his face but much of the media will fail to point that out. NBC and Quinnipiac will portray it as close to 50/50 without saying Biden really won. CNN or ABC will have Chris Christie talk about how it's not his strong suit but it won't be a stumbling block. Then FOX will say the moderating was biased and Trump really owned the debate.


In other corners we'll hear about how some minor mistake by Biden may be a problem for Dems in November but mostly about Hunters laptop and how Biden looks old or was maybe over-prepared.
NYT will say all that matters is security for Israel and they didn't hear what they wanted from Joe.


A certain multimillionaire is more afraid of Biden’s age than the fact Trump wants to end Democracy as we know it.

Then, again, I call quid pro quo as he also made out like a fucking bandit under Trump and now Biden wants to tax the rich.

Connected? NAH! How could they possibly be connected?

The rich are not like you and me.

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