Bought an EV. Damn I hate haggling. Was about $1500 more than we wanted but it was taking forever (of course the manager had to come out and make a song and dance and HAD to call the company to get “approval” 🙄

Congrats, @feloneouscat! I hope you like it. Ours is 10 years old and we love it.



So far, so good. The “infotainment” is horrible—GM’s own design and it looks like it—nothing is laid out with any kind of design some of the most important bits, like speed limit, are TINY, and things like battery usage are HUGE).

It’s like they don’t understand what is important info.


But the car parts seem to be slick (although EVERYTHING has a motor). My guess is the were designing for when mankind is just a blob of protoplasm and unable to leave their vehicles.

It does have an End Of Days vibe. 😝

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