
Just when you thought it just CAN’T get dumber…

“ Texas has the right to secede from the U.S. if its citizens decide to do so, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley argued on Wednesday -- a controversial view that contradicts centuries of established history and precedent.”

For those wondering, no. There is no provision for secession. Once you join you are stuck.

Like Katamari Damacy.

“ While running for the governor of South Carolina in 2010, Haley was questioned in an interview if she believed that the states had the right to secede from the federal union.

Haley said then that ‘I think that they do. I mean, the Constitution says that.’”

Narrator: The Constitution does NOT say that. The Constitution is less than 5,000 words and it appears she’s not read a single one.

Oh, but surely the Supreme Court has sai—

“The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible states" Texas v White, 1869

The Republican Party is running Dumb and Dimmer.

@feloneouscat She's wrong. And, Texas should know better, because they were involved in the case that set this rule in 1868.

Texas v. White says states cannot unilaterally secede from the US.

@feloneouscat She would have eagerly had South Carolina secede if she were still governor.


Our Governor has been keen on the idea of succession.

The only problem is the law is against him.

@feloneouscat Seniors would lose their Social Security and Medicare. Defense bases would close and NASA would move. Some businesses would leave. Some which stayed would find tariffs and border controls made it harder to get raw materials and to ship products. Abbot probably prefers it as a talking point to get him on Fox, than as an actual policy.

In other words, " vote for me to be president of the remaining states". The gop is devolving.

@feloneouscat: Texans have long held, and I do mean *long* held, that somehow in the state's agreement to become a part of the Union they retained the legal right (a la "treaty") to secede if and then they wanted to.

I shit you not.


As a Texan I’ve heard it said, but it’s not as old as many think it is. The only reason people THINK it is has more to do with current Texas Republicans saying it is.

I suspect if I really cared to look, I would find it’s not more than 20 years old.

@feloneouscat: I first heard it about twenty-five years ago in the DFW area, and I could kinda tell it was not as old as claimed, in part because when I asked for them to tell me where to look for it in official legalese they told me the US wouldn't allow it to be written but that it was in the spirit of it. And the dude was a white supremacist advocating for Texas being "a glorious white Republic once more". Most Texans I know are GOP or farther afield to the right, alas. Except in Austin.

@feloneouscat: I should have clarified "not few Texans" rather than the generalization. So I do stand corrected.

@feloneouscat Wasn't there a war fought to decide that? Didn't Texas lose that one?


They like to pretend they didn’t.

The number of people with stars and bars is just insane.

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