Trump is a simpleton. He views the Presidency as a true “get out of jail” card. Install him as your god President and all of HIS problems go away.
At issue is the fact that that rule about not indicting a sitting President is bogus. It has no legal basis. The Framers, in fact, WANTED everyone treated equally (PoC may wince, but that is the essence of their writings). The President was not to be given any special treatment under the law.
That is reality. Trump lives in a fantasy.
For those who don’t remember (or wish to forget) the DOJ rule that “sitting Presidents can’t be indicted” was created to protect Nixon. Since then, the DOJ has attempted to rationalize something that CLEARLY is not law, is never mentioned by the Framers and in fact specifically GOES AGAINST the idea that the President is somehow immune to prosecution (they saw it as too easily corrupted — duh).
Here is a link to the original rule.
#Politics #Law