@fatslothslim and therein lies the paradox of Christianity.
They teach that Jesus died to forgive all your sins (present, past, and future), but also chastise you for sins and demand you repent while here on earth. Uh... I've been forgiven, and even if I follow a strict interpretation I need only ask and then I will be forgiven, so...
And on and on and on we go ...
@PrivacyL0st two peas'!
I am a recovering Catholic.
But I guess if I were to label myself today it would be Agnostic, I think. 🤔
@fatslothslim I do enjoy the "fellowship" in Church, so I occassionally attend for that, but I found the most progressive, least strict, denomination I could find, that does a ton of unconditional community outreach. Even then, I can only take the structure in small doses though.
What I really abhore are the mega-churches grifting, raking in millions, and helping noone.