And on and on and on we go ...
@PrivacyL0st two peas'!
I am a recovering Catholic.
But I guess if I were to label myself today it would be Agnostic, I think. 🤔
@fatslothslim I do enjoy the "fellowship" in Church, so I occassionally attend for that, but I found the most progressive, least strict, denomination I could find, that does a ton of unconditional community outreach. Even then, I can only take the structure in small doses though.
What I really abhore are the mega-churches grifting, raking in millions, and helping noone.
@fatslothslim I gave up on religious dogma long ago. That's not to say I don't believe in a higher power, but it's more of a spiritual belief than religious. The idea that there are rules for how to communicate with that higher power and what universally pleases or upsets them is ridiculous to me.