

โ€œ"The probabilities are high that we're going to see a megathrust earthquake in the [Pacific Northwest] in the next 100 years," Carbotte said. "[This research] does very much inform the hazard and resilience mitigation efforts."

Iโ€™ve got family in Seattle and friends in Olympia and the Cascandian subduction zone is a constant worry. Should a tsunami hit, folks have to get to higher ground fast.

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@evamarie @kel you've got more than tsunami(s) to worry about 3 sides water 1 side volcanoes.

@Ruthat @kel

Well, true, but the Cascadian subduction zone would cause the mother of earthquakes where the tectonic plates near Vancouver Island meet. I understand scientists can still study the tree rings of old growth forest which were covered with water following the tsunami in 1700 following the last great Cascadian subduction quake.

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