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My nickname is Cybi - pronounced Cubby. Please note that my occupation is listed as Saint

Name: Cybi ; Parent: Selyf ab Erbin ; Gender: Male ; Occupation: saint ; Area of activity: Religion

Did I ever tell you how much I despise wrapping Christmas presents? I despise wrapping Christmas presents

Night descended like a blackout curtain. The view through the window is inky black. We're promised high winds, haven't felt any yet, but the temperature did drop in a hurry.

What I miss:

Being up in Vermont and being able to stand outside in just a sweater at -20º F because there is no wind and the air is so dry. And the sky is filled with a million stars

An imam, a priest and a rabbi walk into a bar, and the bartender asks “What is this? Some kind of a joke?”

Just think a couple of weeks and 2022 will be over. And we can pretend it never happened

I just checked out and it seems very grown up and serious. Not sure I would be happy there. Also They put you on a waiting list and ask you to tell them about yourself. I checked out Mastodon too. And it seems grown up and serious too. Doesn't look like either of them is down with adolescent humor and would never get sarcasm

I am home from the hospital. Here’s the amazing thing. I arrived at the hospital early Thursday morning, and here I am home at lunchtime on Friday. And also not amazing things. It’s still a hospital which means no sleep In terminally uncomfortable beds.
Granted surgeons no longer need to cut you open but still cut they must. Two sizable gashes on either side of your groin which have to be regularly inspected and poked by whichever nurse is passing by.

Have to be at the hospital at 6 AM tomorrow. Nothing major, just some corrective surgery. And an overnight stay. I do have an inordinate fear of hospitals, after almost dying three years ago.

I want to become...

...the man who when he arrives everyone shouts "Thank God you're here!!"

Human condition

Bellum omnium contra omnes

~ Thomas Hobbes

Mom warned me the steps were kinda slick. So I walked out the front door and went down the steps on my ass. Good going

Good morning youse guys. The other social media site is getting buggier.

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