@AskTheDevil @LnzyHou It's ridiculous to expect the consumer to take care of recycling. The onus needs to put on the producer. The corporations need to be made responsible for collection and disposal. They will quickly find a way to reduce the use of plastics and replace them with something truly recyclable or biodegradable

@LnzyHou We shouldn't be using all this disposable plastic for most applications. But even if we recycled everything, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to industrial and automobile pollution. We have to change some very large things.

I only remark because when people think they've done their part by recycling, it's been shown they're less active about tackling the big stuff. It's a cognitive bias that has to be overcome.

@thecaricaturist Mother Nature is giving us the July 4 we deserve. The US is messed up beyond saving probably. We have nothing to celebrate

@SSNBubblehead No way. All I can visualize is total mayhem in the skies, horrendous crashes and falling debris. How are these drivers to be policed?

Has anyone been hit with 😨 Exploding Head Syndrome? Happened to me the other night. The cat woke me at 3 am and right as I was waking up I heard - really loud and really close - like someone was rapping on my desk three times - BANG BANG BANG. And then silence. Neither the cat nor anyone else heard it.

Our cat isn’t family. She’s a roommate. A weird little guy who shares our home

Q. What's the difference between a narcissist, an anarchist, and a House Republican?
A. Nothing.

Lawyer jokes never work because lawyers don't think they're funny and nobody else thinks they're jokes

It's already 61F (16C) and its going up to 65F (18C)

@Jene_Sais_Quoi The video you posted (youtube.com/watch?v=no3BbjUp4D) is a quickstep surely. the Viennese waltz is here

“No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.”
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

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