right, i just remembered why stopped playing MSFS, it's the only game in my current library that just crashes, CPU temps/usage get too high and a restart is required

no matter what I do to the graphics it's just the same thing

might try to tweak it but not at this time, on to better seas

gotta say, the Grand Battle mode is actually fun, you get to drive the KMS Hannover which is a supersized Bismarck

no matter what patches I get, this is my favorite and will be using it as long as I can

Nice! got awarded the Jr Collector Emblem, for being a nerd and getting 100 unique ships lol

@aoc is streaming on twitch, I sure hope twitch drops are enabled while I play :D

man, that was a lot of beers, and took a celebration nap

to end friday night, time for

New addition to the port!
the HMS Implacable
would love to get my hands on the HMS Ark Royale

all out survivability be damned secondary gun build for the KMS Pommern

yup! it's fun! :D

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