Lidar-Derived Aerial Maps Reveal the Dramatic Meandering Changes in River Banks Over Millennia

Lidar-derived image of the meandering Alabama River in Alabama, USA. The Cahaba River joins the Alabama in the upper center of the image. All images © Dan Coe

Lidar-derived image of the Willamette River, Santiam River, and Luckiamute River north of Albany, Oregon.

The Yellowstone River near Hysham, Montana. At almost 700 miles in length, the Yellowstone is the longest un-dammed river in the continental U.S.

Lidar-derived image of the Milk River in northeastern Montana. The Milk is a tributary of the Missouri River and its watershed covers parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana.

@elmaxx Thank you! Just amazing. I worked with LiDar and hydrology for years have an affinity for rivers as I live next to a periodic flooder. 💜 maps

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