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They tried to go after Biden for a $19 donation, for fuck's sake.

I think I figured out the "CoSo randomly playing audio, even in Ostrich mode" - it's Ostrich mode. Apparently on Safari (macOS 13.3.1) with Ostrich mode *ON*, it autoplays CoSoCom, twice. And because CoSoCom isn't showing, I can't click the stop button.

With Ostrich mode *OFF*, it autoplays once, and clicking the "Stop" button stops it.

I just assisted six teenagers in filing their taxes.

And currently have nine teenagers staying at the house. I'm assuming one of the other three will ask for tax help, too.

My stress level is inversely proportional to the numbers of teenagers in the house.

"Normally, I’d be worried over Mr. Ritchie’s violent gun message concerning the inclusion of trans people β€” if he were capable of aiming correctly. Alas, he doesn’t appear to be much of a threat with firearms."

Bought a used Nokia N90 off eBay (have been lusting over that phone since it was actually new, finally found one cheap.)

It's named "Jeff's other phone", and has a bunch of (not my kink) fetish porn on it. LOL!

Looking up how to wipe (both electronically and physically) the phone.

Welp… Had to stop payment on a check because my wife fell for the "door to door magazine salesperson with a hard luck story" scam.

What's really sad is that the actual door-to-door person is almost always *NOT* meaning to be a scammer, they're being scammed by their "employer", too.

Okay, why on some reloads of the CoSo page on desktop do I hear multiple overlapping audio ads? I even have ostrich mode on so it doesn't even show the radio scanner...

WTF? I'm suddenly getting a bunch of "phone call verification codes", the computer-generated voice doesn't identify who they're from, the phone number doesn't who track back to anything recognizable.

The most interesting thing? It's to a virtual phone number I have that isn't registered to *ANYTHING* that should have a phone verification code.

Watching the Andor finale - damn, that diegetic funeral march. Just an amazing piece of music; simple and powerful. And having it be in-universe doubles the impact.

Than Fiona Shaw's speech. Might just be the best "rally speech" in all of Star Wars. On par with Theoden in LotR.

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