Heads-up - #Google stuttering another service.... Well, kinda
As of 29 October 2024, Google Trends trend notifications will no longer be supported and existing alerts will no longer be sent.
You can still copy your subscriptions from the Google Trends subscription page before 29 October 2024, if you wish to keep a record of them.
And that's "shuttering" not "stuttering"
And it won't get a google tombstone
@ecksmc Google and Netflix love canceling consumer favorites. Both are just awful companies.
@SpaceShanks yeah Google is bad for it and its usually services that are popular as well
@ecksmc We're gonna need a bigger cemetery!
While email subscriptions will no longer be supported, there are alternative ways to access trending information:
Homepage Newsletter: Visit the Google Trends homepage to sign up for our daily newsletter and receive the latest trends in your inbox.
RSS Feed: Subscribe to the RSS feed for real-time updates on trending topics
RSS is better anyway imo