Exclusively for Startpage users - get 50% OFF your StartMail account!
PGP encrypted emails
Seamlessly migrate emails and contacts
Password protected email
Unlimited custom aliases
20GB of storage
SAVE 50%
per month, billed annually
First year at $29.98 | Renews at $59.95
@corlin pretty much the same imo as far as features go
i only tried the 7 day free trial a while back though never stuck with it - no real reason other than i am using Tutanota for my personal email these days - startmail has no apps though it's all browser based mail although you can use 3rd party services like thunderbird - outlook etc...i used a PWA on my chromebook/android devices for it
there is no free for life account you do have to pay once the free trial ends
How does this compare to proton mail ?