Is the CoSo mobile app one of those "progressive web apps" I'm just now hearing about?

@rpardee don't know if it's actually a PWA that we could crate

PWAs are the way to go rather than installing apps i have used PWAs for ages on chromebook, with chrome, and Win10, with Brave, also have a few on Android via chrome/firefox

@ecksmc From the little bit of reading I've done they sound pretty cool. I've been dabbling in js development & am curious about doing up a simple one.

@rpardee it does depend on the actual site also

some sites after creating a PWA don't function the way they should

i have always had CoSo as a PWA on my laptops you get more "real estate" cause no address/bookmarks bar etc and all extensions work once created

same on mobile PWAs

chrome://flag you can set also so when you are on a site with PWA function chrome will then add a wee instal option in the address bar to tempt users to switch


chrome settings>more tools>create shortcut

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