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PSA - Special LIVE event for the next few hours - SpaceX Crewed Launch. It's streaming in my apartment, launch is scheduled for 10:34PM Eastern.

Link to my apartment below, everyone welcome. You do NOT need a PRO account for this watch party event. 👍

cc: @WordsmithFL

This is so funny people keep having to do a double take at me tonight because of the mask I'm wearing... so damn funny

@duglop how about one of those hats with fake hair coming wildly out the top? I’d suggest a synthetic Mohawk.

So we are supposed to wear beard nets at work if we have any facial hair, And I love to wear a mask when I'm in the cooler because it just helps keep me a little warmer... I wonder how much this will fuck with people

@duglop The judge literally told him that he's only not putting him in jail because he was president and might be again.

That's _exactly_ why he needs to go to jail even _more_!

The judge is being very lenient with him for all the contempt of court charges, again if it were you or me we'd already be behind bars and we all know he can't keep his mouth shut so just get it over with already and put him behind bars..

Okay so I've got a smart ass for a cat let me tell you why: earlier she was playing with something on a shelf she knows not to play with. (She knocked it off by accident last year and it scared the bejesus out of her). So I scolded her for it but not in a loud voice, as I turned my back I saw out of the corner of my eye she was pawing it again so as I turned back around, pointed at her and said bad girl she grunted at me... I don't think we're done with her teenage years yet!

Me at 8 am this morning: Shuri, it's too damn early for me to be asking WTF are you doing now!

@duglop oooooh! I've been manifesting this one for a while now 😆 💪☺️😂😂😂

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