So my cat just came darting into the living room from the bedroom, stopped in her tracks and flopped over - Shuri? WTF was that all about??
@caaddison88 na, she's just stoned on catnip lmmfao
the litter box is in the bathroom, she get's the zoomies all the time
@caaddison88 @duglop I was thinking same but added "well at least the cat didn't booty scoot across living room while glaring at you daring you to say anything" lol
@Susandoyle @caaddison88 yes this is why we don't point at our cats and ask them WTF .... no wait, I DO ask Shuri that every 5 minutes, never mind
@Susandoyle @duglop LOL, the only time my cat has ever done that was when my brother-in-law made a loud noise in the middle of her doing her business, so she had to leave before completing. We then found her scooting her butt on the living room carpet and soon after found her completed business on the rug Mom gave her to snuggle with in the living room. Fortunately, it was solid enough not to have left a mark, so we had only to sanitize the location.
@duglop she was having a moment, don’t judge 🤣🤣🤣
Urgent need to be in another room? I thought all cats did this!
@duglop Simple: it's a cat with a cat brain. Also, it probably entered the bedroom from having taken a poo in its litterbox.