Can someone enlighten/educate me how is #CounterSocial better than #Mastodon when it comes to network privacy and social safety/environment. Thank you!
@corlin oh, that’s a good one. Thank you so much!
I don't know what your experience in network security is.
I could go into more detail. But let's just the ship here is very tightly run.
And as for social harassment, and trolls, the average time span, between when they show up and when they go bye-bye is measured in minutes not days or weeks.
This is likely the most secure place on the web, outside of military networks.
@corlin that’s too fast.
You might think so.
But I can only think of 1 false positive. In 5 years. Banning is NOT done lightly. There is research, and and thought beforehand.
Here is the thing, if you have been fighting trolls long enough, you know then right off the bat.
Now “sealions” that’s a longer process.
And is done with more deliberate consideration.
From my personal experience.
Been here a long while now.
Please feel free to ask any other question.