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The funniest thing about this picture is the look on the deer's face.

In other good news, Cosmo now sleeps on the couch like this. Always just this part touching me.

If you notice I had papers laid out, I'm trying to study. Then this bitch ass cat decides that's her bed. 😂🤣

I got a new desk for my work at home setup. I got it on the 18th, put it together then immediately went on PTO at my mom's house, so this is the first time I'm using it and it's pretty sweet.

Made vindaloo for dinner. I still retain the title of the best curry chef in this specific apartment unit.

Excuse the pan, I'm a sloppy cook. This turned out pretty good.

Here they are together, before they scab up and get funky.

Went and got the left hand done. Got Michael Myers on the right hand.

Okay Cosonauts, The Crow is my all-time hands-down no questions asked favorite movie. I've been looking for the shooting draft of the script for about 27 years and I finally found this draft. It's the first full script revision that started production. I'm pretty sure it's the closest thing I'll ever get to the actual shooting draft. And I can't tell you how excited I am to have found it.

Ignore my curry cookbooks 🤣 but I almost have this shelf packed, and that's only 36 scripts. I have another order on the way.

I love that picture of Michael Myers back there. I'm glad I bought that.


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