
Another fun factoid about me and my weird ass attitude:

I will jump into every single "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" argument with such zeal you'd think I wrote the fuckin thing. I've lost friends over it. But, you see...

I've never actually seen Die Hard. I just love arguing and I think that has something to do with growing up around lawyers and judges.

@dr_zooks It's a great movie, and a Yule tradition in our family. I'd totally recommend watching it one day.

@NiveusLepus I'll probably sit down and watch it some day. I saw the one with Shia Laboof but that's not the one everybody wants to bring up around December. Live Free? With A Vengeance? I dunno, all I remember is someone talked about having a fire sale.

@dr_zooks The first three are the best. Die Hard with a Vengeance is fun because it has Samuel L Jackson in it too and they work great together.

@NiveusLepus I don't remember Samuel L. Jackson, so it might've been Live Free.

I'll just make it easy for everybody involved and just watch all of them. 😁

@NiveusLepus yeah, the one I saw was Live Free or Die Hard. And it was Justin Long, not Shia LeBouf. There's that awesome amount of attention I pay to stuff.

@dr_zooks seems like a waste of energy to me.

Better to argue when it's something you really care about, especially if there a right and a wrong and you are definitely right. not so much if you're wrong which calls for self-correction.

@Lulz4l1f3 true, it probably is a waste of energy as well as time, but I don't have anything else going on and I'm too much of a cinephile to let that go. 🤣

Plus, I'm probably broken, but I can't think of anything I care enough about to really argue argue. And I'm not really serious about it, my points are so stupid and basic that people rage quit the conversation.

@dr_zooks Iron Man 3 is more of a Christmas movie than Die Hard will ever be.

That is all.

@ProjectShadow I haven't see Iron Man 2, but I'm picking up what you're putting down and I'm digging it.

@TR_forester6291 it takes place at Christmas, but the point of the movie isn't Christmas. You can change the holidays and still have the exact same movie. You can't do that with, say, A Christmas Story.

Plus Bruce Willis said it wasn't and I'm not gonna say he's wrong.

@TR_forester6291 because I already know the outcome. I don't argue it to change people's minds, so I don't try.

Like Nightmare Before Christmas, you could change it to Nightmare Before Valentine's and it wouldn't make sense because there's no Valentine Claus to kidnap. The POINT of the movie is Christmas.

The point of Die Hard is stopping terrorists. You could change the holiday to Saint Patrick's Day and the movie would stay the same.

@TR_forester6291 sorry, I went non-verbal and stopped communicating. I think I'm getting better though.

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