
Getting an oil change and I'm writing this so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone.

@dr_zooks Pay attention momentarily to the drain plug insertion and torque. I have actually seen one replaced with a power ratchet, yikes! Not likely it had torque stops.

@MidnightRider I understand what each of these words mean individually, but not in this order. 🤣🤣

Is at the dealership so it's all done behind the scenes. I'm in the waiting area avoiding people.

@dr_zooks Oh the Stealership! Is it under warranty or a free offering where they probe for more work to schedule? I told a tire shop I flush my own brakes with a powerbleeder. Ten minutes later, you need new brake fluid! Really, prestone dot4 only lasts 30 days now? I have to reread that bottle.

@MidnightRider it's under warranty and since this is where I got the car from I get free oil changes.

They're REALLY good here, but they take fucking FOREVER. Like one time it took 8 hours. Me and a friend are timing this one.

@dr_zooks 8 hour oil change? Now that's some patient pan draining!

@MidnightRider yeah, I'd love to know what they're doing back there that's taking so long.

@dr_zooks In a perfect less cynical world? Hopefully they are checking seals, tire wear, belts, hoses, doing god's work.

@MidnightRider I live in a cynical world so whatever they're doing I hope it's ritualistic and cool.

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