Fun fact: when I was around 6-8, I had a THICC Southern accent, having grown up in Tennessee and Mississippi. We moved to Arizona, and I was being introduced to my new teachers, and one leaned over and went "Oh my god you sound so cute, where are you from??"

That was attention I didn't want so I worked to talk without my accent and now it only comes out when I start talking fast.


While I lived in Memphis, the local president of the company insisted my assistant marketing director go to elocution classes to get rid of her drawl. She had lived there all her life but her accent didn’t play well in corporate Chicago. He said she would be passed over for promotion. Poor girl fought so hard to lose it.

@LnzyHou kinda late, but I just remembered a lady I worked with who was from Chicago and her accent was hilariously thick. She sounded super mad every time she spoke.


Yep. I lived 30+ years in CO. I am sometimes told my CO accent is evident.


@LnzyHou no no, that's a @LnzyHou accent and it took over the Colorado one. They sound like you.


Mixed with born/raised Detroit area. Midwest accent

@LnzyHou I'm pretty sure that's what everybody sounded like when I visited Durango last year.

@LnzyHou I'm fairly confident it was Durango. I'm absolutely terrible at remembering things so it really could be anywhere and they'd all sound right.


@LnzyHou souvenir t-shirt I bought says Durango, so small world indeed.

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