Has a website ever asked for a contact e-mail, and when you entered it, it told you that e-mail wasn't available? WTH is that? I'm not signing up for an e-mail, I'm trying to use that e-mail, idiot.

@dr_zooks yes. I had to use an alternate email address for one of my monthly bills. It kept telling me the email I wanted to use was invalid. Very frustrating. I still haven’t gotten it worked out.

@AverageCitizen yeah, I just cussed to myself and closed it. If they're gonna be like that then they don't deserve my clicks.

@dr_zooks unfortunately I don’t have the option to drop them. The email works fine everywhere else I have used it for (bill payments). It’s so odd.

@AverageCitizen that is weird. Luckily mine wasn't important, I was just trying to change my email address on a website and it said no. Oooohhhh hang on, I think I might have figured my situation out. I'll have to test something out real quick.


@AverageCitizen yep, I created an account with both emails, guess I need to close one out now.

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