I have 17 years experience of doing a thing. I have been trying for 17 years to get a job doing that thing. I have been told over and over I don't have the experience because it's not "professional".

17 years. How much more experience do I need? What else can I learn after almost 2 decades?

Someone who hires people, please help answer this, why won't anybody give me a chance and hire me so I CAN get this experience I need that somehow is better than doing it for 17 years on my own.

@dr_zooks Because of your experience they might think it would be too difficult to de-program and then re-train you to adhere to their companys particular methods. It's a pretty common thing.

@JLong aww that sucks, I'm more than willing to relearn whatever they want me to. I always tell them I love learning new things. Anyway, thanks for that answer. It's disheartening but I guess it is what it is. 😕

@dr_zooks Imo downplay your experience into something akin to "practice" and love-of-the-game. In an interview, "working for company x is a chance to learn the thing properly, from professionals."
It'll sting but job-hunting is an ego-killer anyways 😂

@JLong that's how I frame it. And I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just showing that I've done everything that's been suggested.

@dr_zooks I don't doubt it. Its a conundrum for sure, ive been there too.


@JLong thanks for all the feedback, though, I really appreciate it. I guess I'll just keep trying.

@dr_zooks No worries. Hope you get an offer soon, fingers crossed.

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