there's gonna be two threads today, one with general news and one on a NYT poll.
it is so insulting to Perry's memory that they're framing the ketamine as "his history of drug addiction." ketamine is also a prescription treatment for depression. instead of treating this as a relapse/OD they should be talking about safe ketamine therapy practices.
it's not the teenagers who are walking through Walmart reeking of skunk (although there was a stinky car at the middle school drop off yesterday) but you know what? if legalization paradoxically reduces or eliminates use, then fine, legalize that shit yesterday. just do whatever will get it the fuck out of my community.
@dietotaku That's always gotten me.
GOP: We will vote no on every piece of legislation you put forth just because.
Dems: We are dying to make a deal with you!
fuck twitter, fuck mastodon, fuck and FUCK threads