the sad thing is my first thought when I see this is what are they aiming to accomplish by sending this to SCOTUS? nullify the separation of church & state/freedom of religion clause in 1A? mandatory Christian indoctrination in schools? we know they only pass laws like this to invite the SCOTUS challenge bc they know SCOTUS will rule the way they want. so what do they want?
I don't even want to get in to why RFK Jr speaks to Latinos (did I miss the Latino anti-vax brain worms movement?) but you can't tell me Latinos are moving towards Trump and also that if this third guy wasn't on the ballot they would vote for Biden. if anything, RFK Jr is like Trump if CrossFit replaced the racism.
or it's as if they saw people being a bunch of racist cunts and said "fuck you, now you get twice as many immigrant veggies on your plate, you piece of shit."
like, if public opinion was that murder should be legal and there was a "Ted Bundy did nothing wrong" party that promised to legalize murder, what do you think politicians should do about that? just roll over and legalize murder? or say "I don't care how popular it is, MURDER IS WRONG AND YOU'RE WRONG FOR WANTING IT"?
fuck twitter, fuck mastodon, fuck and FUCK threads