Owning the libs? Congrats, Trumpers. Now worry about owning a generator, owning a bunker or saferoom, owning a stockpile of medicine and food, owning up when members of your own family start getting picked off as casualties of the disintegration of the heretofore (somewhat) civil and functional society commences. Tldr: Shit gonna fall apart
@MidnightRider it's a completely rational response. those who took certain actions that guarantee certain consequences should be the first, if not only, ones to experience those consequences.
@dietotaku That is in line with my thoughts as well. Except when I skew to the absolute fringes in life, I think I might be missing information pertinent to my visions. To wish ill upon any other citizen, although impossible to resist at times, is not something I would want on my résumé of life.