so that makes us, what, the LAST country on earth to elect a woman president?

also I could swear AMLO was just elected like a year ago, there was a whole Last Week Tonight segment on his campaign and-- WHAT THE FUCK 2018?!?!


Well, I knew López Obrador had been elected at least 4 years ago, because I recall him refusing to congratulate Biden on his election in 2020 and going along with the Trump campaign's pretense that the election was undecided. It would take him 42 days to offer congratulations; the same delay as given by V. V. Putin.


@DavidSalo somehow i missed all that. jesus what the shit is his problem? funny how NYT didn't mention THAT "trump parallel" and went with the flimsier "does a thing that every journalist does except trump did it disingenuously"

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