and not just because of interest rates and rising prices either. income inequality is still increasing which means the rich are getting exponentially richer but the rest of us are stagnating or even losing purchasing power. we tried to fix it with the Great Resignation but y'all told the Fed "everyone got raises so they have too much money now! raise interest rates to bleed them dry and keep them stuck in the same socioeconomic class!"
at first I was like "well maybe you have unrealistic expectations, why do you need FOUR bedrooms for 2 kids?" but then it says they're looking for ONE extra bedroom? so they already HAVE 3 bedrooms but they're still making their kids cram into one room the size of a closet?
and why do you HAVE to live in Lincoln Park? y'all out here pulling 6-7 figures and wasting it on stupid bullshit like guest bedrooms & "popular" neighborhoods
it's reassuring that the worst BTS has to deal with during their military service is trash balloons instead of nukes
this was never about swaying his supporters in the first place, which everyone knows is impossible (short of him switching to Democrat and announcing Hillary Clinton as his running mate). it was always about (a) enforcing the rule of law and (b) reminding those swing voters why they kicked him out of office last time
@dietotaku maybe the trash was laced with deadly microorganisms.
@DavidKMresists probably would have heard about it by now if it was