you know what, fine. this is how DeShithead wants to play, no more federal aid money when FL gets hit by a dozen Cat6 hurricanes this season. no payouts for flooding or wildfires or people dying of heat stroke. you wanna pretend climate change doesn't real & ban green energy, then hurry up & sink into the sea so we can be rid of you. the fact that I STILL hear about people moving TO Florida - queer people no less - astonishes me. stop moving to states that want you dead.
NYT Morning headline: "How Israeli extremists won"
well for starters you keep calling them "settlers" when they're clearly invaders... even "colonizers" is too nice for this behavior. pro-tip: you can't "settle" land that already belongs to someone else.
@dietotaku He’s just practicing old authoritarian and Fascist tactics. Disrespect national boundaries with the excuse of safety.
oh good, so stochastic terrorism worked in Israel and the GOP/Trump is using all the same tactics now, how reassuring for our future 🙃