alright, let's talk about tiktok, since that's what yesterday's main NYT story was about. still too tired to go through screenshotting it piece by piece, but i have enough to say regardless.
tiktok is a threat to national security, but it's also a threat to public health. i would like to see politicians arguing more for the latter than the former, but at the same time we don't have a great track record of banning things that are bad for us.
i don't like tiktok. i don't have a tiktok account, i avoid it wherever possible. i feel like tiktok has destroyed so much, and it's all at the behest of a country that does NOT have our best interests in mind. i'm not going to give a chinese authoritarian algorithm control over my dopamine receptors.
then there's the narcissism. i frankly don't understand the desire so many people have to be in front of a camera, to be the center of attention, to have millions of people watching what they do. if facebook & instagram introduced the plague of selfies, tiktok turned selfies into thermonuclear narcissism machines. EVERYONE is self-obsessed.
then there's the food trends. there's no time to actually post a recipe, you just watch someone chuck mystery ingredients into a bowl and microwave it for ??? minutes and magically produce some fun-looking thing. the fact that long-form content creators with actual food science degrees have to spend their time debunking these "viral hacks" is depressing as shit.
and 14% of americans get their news from TIKTOK?! FROM TIKTOK. from whatever batshit-insane conspiracy-addled whackjob points a camera at her own face to tell you birth control is a deep state plot to render women infertile and eradicate white people. that ANYONE thinks they're getting "news" from TIKTOK is a travesty and a serious threat, i'd even call it a crisis.