I swear to Christ if I hear one more person say "you can't make those jokes anymore, political correctness, nobody has a sense of humor anymore!" I will fucking hunt you down, dig up your deepest, darkest personal trauma, show up to where you work and deliver a stand-up monologue viciously mocking you for it. and when you start crying that that's not funny, I'll say "WHAT'S THE MATTER, DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE A FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOR ANYMORE?"
@OldDude71 if you're laughing at your own trauma, that's great, i can laugh at some pretty dark stuff too, but i know to keep those jokes to a tightly curated audience. i universally hear the above from people who are just bitching that they can't punch down on LGBT/women/minorities in public anymore.
@dietotaku ✋and a sick one at that