I'm convinced people like this live in Canada or someplace that gets like 6 weeks of summer that never tops 90 degrees. by March Texas is already getting into pre-summer. we hit 90 in February this year. and climate change is already "hastening spring" to the point winter barely exists. he's gonna start pining for winter real bad when summer lasts 10 months and gets up to 120 in June.
here's what's gonna happen: all these cases are gonna get delayed so there's no conviction before the election. without a conviction, Trump retains all his support + free publicity from the trials/persecution complex. Trump wins election, has all cases thrown out, tosses all prosecutors & political opponents in gulags, rules with an iron fist for 20+ years.
@dietotaku Oh, he won't live 20 more years. But there will be plenty of creatures waiting to inherit the dictatorship from him.
@AskTheDevil i assume the worst because evil extends lifespans. i mean look how long henry kissinger lived. but he will definitely pass the throne on to jr or ivanka or whichever cretin he thinks will best carry on his legacy of brutality
@dietotaku It does feel like the mean ones live longer.
@dietotaku rain only while I sleep. How hard can it be?
@DavidKMresists I love rain. rain means it's not too hot, not too cold, and not too bright outside (I loathe sunny days that scorch my retinas).
humanity is doomed.