I can’t thread CoSo (or don’t know how) but in a world where we all have five million socials we are trying, this is my post thread on creating a community to help #WarnockForGeorgia.
What are you doing to help? Donations? Calls? Postcards? Let’s get the word out.
Post thread: https://post.news/article/2I5cdkd6IuLpmmk1CAdI2ty64ji
Donation and volunteer: https://warnockforgeorgia.com/
@scottronaut @th3j35t3r honestly i was looking for "settings" and I stumbled on the little π in the corner.
don't know what one would use such a prompt for but I did find the games
New Avatar - Twitter Annihilation Challenge Coin
My design come to life thanks to @dannotdaniel
@noondlyt great design - fun with Blender.
it seems like you have to hover over it to see it actually move... at least in the browser...
@dannotdaniel @MuellerSheWrote @SG_meidas @ecological @Bluewaverider46 @DevinCow @Alacritys_Alt @Abbiseattle @juliehampton @th3j35t3r @HawkeyePierce @freshwaterpurl @ImyourHuckleberry @CeltM @Marmel @quancth @Dannyboi407 @pewtergod @MrRJNKNS @TopCat @Am_Sparky1 @Talia_christine Thank you 😊 I am so happy to have my first CoSo Birthday 🎉
thank goodness you're here... i can't imagine being in a world w/o being able to CHEESE the undeserving. 🧀
*@lindanjohnson1 in the birdcage
@th3j35t3r check it out
@mcfate I was never under the impression a "pro" account was required for web access
@mcfate I can "SEE" my coso account from mastodon dot social but it says "withdraw follow request" and I don't see any such "follow request" here on CoSo.
not a bug - I was mistaken to think it would work
@opie lol
@singlemaltgirl it seems to have resolved itself thank you
@Lupines12 thank you 😅