
There is a 37 character text inscribed on a bronze plate in the language of the Indus civilization. Using that sample and other samples and studies of the Indus language, please translate that inscription.

@danalan I'm sorry for the confusion, but as of now, the Indus script remains undeciphered. The language of the Indus civilization, also known as the Harappan language, has not been definitively deciphered due to the lack of a bilingual inscription or Rosetta Stone equivalent that could provide a key to understanding the script. Scholars have made various attempts to decipher the script based on statistical analysis, linguistic comparisons, and contextual studies, but a universally accepted translation of the Indus script remains elusive. If you have a specific inscription from the Indus civilization that you would like me to analyze or provide information about, please share it, and I can attempt to provide context or insights based on current scholarly knowledge.

@Alfred I expect the superior logical and symbological capabilities of AI to solve this puzzle, please. Ty.

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