
It's that time of year again.

I am going to continue to nag y'all about this.

Works great for smoke from wildfires.

This really, honest to god works.
If you don't have one now, you need one soon.

a DIY box fan filtration system that removes smoke particles, and Covid-bearing aerosols, from indoor air, so you and yours don’t breathe the virus, and is superior for removing pollen and other allergens. Cleaning indoor air is important!

@corlin I’ve been trying not to think about, but thanks for the reminder


Go buy the parts now.

To assemble when necessary.
Because if you wait, filters will be all gone.

@corlin Will do. Just sent it to my brother too.
It was already smokey in AZ while I was there.
Moms on O2 and and needs all the help she can get. Thanks again

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