Inspired by @corlin's latest post on the return of ...

We're all old enough to have been in the trenches with 'zine culture, right? πŸ‘€ Hand-printed, cut, collaged, block-painted, haphazardly aligned, chaotically edited ziiiiines! (You know what I mean. 🀟)

So! Question for you louts:

If you were to start a 'zine today, in the style of one of those grand old pubs, what would you call it and what would it be about?


Off the top of my head:


A mixture of solar-punk, hope-punk fiction, and real world how to do stuff. How to build, create, and nurture. Ya know with what you find, left over by the end of consumer capitalism.

@corlin @MLClark I like unplugged. And how to do stuff. I guess I’m imagining whole earth catalogue revisited for our time.

@LaurelGreen @MLClark

whole earth, mixed with fiction, and a bit absurdest humor.

@corlin @MLClark just putting it outhere, I’d be up for a CoSo collaboration, illustrating if either of you did the words.

@LaurelGreen @MLClark

I volunteer to do production, printing, stapling, and a bit of writing.

@corlin printing is a real BEAST and a helluva an offer πŸ’š @MLClark

@LaurelGreen @MLClark

Hmmm I might know a guy that has an old 11x17 "multigraph" printing press in working order...

You can still buy printing plates for this, and I know how to hand cut "Rubylith".

@corlin loooove! And given our world can we also digitize? Maybe months after the zine release? @MLClark

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