Serious question:

With all the bullpucky in our current tech product news cycles, what's a device or service you would *actually* like to see developed, that isn't currently being promoted or getting the funding it deserves?



Besides the mini teleportation device that sits in the bottom of your coffee cup, refilling it when the pressure gets too low.

I want a cheap, very rugged, long range electric cargo bike. That I can ride to the electric tram line station, that replaces the road to my place.

Widespread Rural and Suburban electric light rail.


Oh, now that is a beautiful dream. I'm guessing the limiting agent is the electric component, and even though folks are excited by advances in sodium-ion alternatives to the perils of lithium, the sodium-ion battery would have to be heavier, so... more research is most certainly needed to arrive at a rugged, light-weight workaround!

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