: This sounds kinda like me when I'm talking to frens and acquaintances about coming to but they keep asking why they should come here "where there aren't as many other people".

All ZuckerDroid and Elon Muskovite can do is censor mention of this place on their platforms and pay MFs to badmouth us. Because they know if word actually got out and their black hat buffets had to run down the straight with us, their users will have never seen anything move that fast.



Would you rather see your favorite band in a stadium full of yelling people you don't, and never will know. Or in a small neighborhood club where the bartender knows your name.

@corlin: It isn't that we'd get volume. We'd not attract non-pirates. We'd attract people with enough self-control and self-awareness to fit in well. It'd also be nice to get more people so The J. doesn't have to cover anything his own self.

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