( I am asking all Trans folks to comment on this. I really don't know enough about what is going on here.)

"Unfortunately, most liberal 'allies' don’t know the difference between actual diverse trans people, and the misogynist activists that claim to speak for them. Most liberals don’t tolerate any critique these days, let alone cartoon critique, which is graphic and funny; nothing pisses off ideologues like humor, the ultimate 'disrespect'."



I'm going to jump in first, Corlin, because a lot of trans folks are asked to explain hate about them whenever it shows up online, which can be exhausting.

This person conflates having a penis with being a fake trying to infiltrate feminized spaces. She's presented a straw man of what actual dominant trans discourse looks like, and also reduces contemporary feminism to a wrongheaded claim that "if only" there were spaces where XX people didn't have to see penises, they'd be safe.



Thanks this was close to my thinking, But I know so little of the trans experience that I had to ask.


I'm always VERY happy and on hand to chat about any questions you might have, and to suggest resources from many capable trans voices who exist in the broader realm of the internet, too.

Which isn't to say that the many lovely trans people on CoSo might not be on hand, either: just here to help shoulder the load. It is a LOT of emotional labour to field questions that remind a person how many others are out there making it harder simply to exist.

Definitely glad you asked, though!



Again thanks:

The last thing in the world I want, is to add to the burden of being trans. I would understand completely if my query was ignored.


One other facet of the piece you linked is that it tends to drag discourse down to crude basics, when the reality is that most trans activists today are fighting a wide array of legislative, medical, and media discourse that routinely sidelines actual trans voices.

Erin Reed had a piece last week that perfectly embodies the more intricate state of the discourse, if you'd like a taste of where most activist energy is *actually* being poured these days. Cheers!


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